Dear Kevin Rudd and David Hinchliffe
I went to my mailbox today and found three of the Liberal flyers which had a letter from our Lord Mayor, Cr Campbell Newman advising residents about the importance of recycling inserted. I share the Lord Mayor's enthusiasm for recycling. In fact I think the Brisbane City Council could dramatically improve its recycling system.
I am concerned that Brisbane residents who see that they have an unwanted flyer that imitates the colour scheme and font of Labor advertising material and insults their intelligence in their mail box, they will throw away the offending Liberal flyer. It is very likely they will throw away the whole thing - as I nearly did.
I am concerned that the Lord Mayor may have wanted to give his desperate federal mates a leg up by combining these pieces of literature. I am also concerned because Brisbane City Council material delivered at ratepayers expense may go to waste and that efforts to improve the city's recycling system will fall by the wayside. I would hope that the federal level of politics will now realise the importance of recycling and curb the excesses of the packaging industry.
The Liberals want to warn us about "wall to wall Labor", and I am mindful of the way in which too much power in too few hands can lead to abuse of power. I find Wall-to-wall Liberal misappropriation is also a matter of very great concern.
Willy bach
Greens candidate for Griffith